HIPAASecurity.us is your source for help in getting HIPAA under control, and on the road to compliance.
HIPAASecurity.us helps small Dental and Medical practices tackle Security and Compliance. Our goal is to
help you and your staff get a firm grip on security and compliance in your practice. We get you on the road
to security and compliance without breaking the bank.
Download your free HIPAA Business Associate Agreement Template.
Fill in your email address below so you can download the form.
Most Dental and Small Medical offices are “Covered Entities” (CE). As a CE, you must have a BAA on file
for each contractor that has access to ePHI.
A person who provides any of the following services to or for a covered entity or organized health care arrangement where the provision of the service involves the disclosure of protected health information from the covered entity or the organized health care arrangement or from another Business Associate:
- IT Service Provider
- Financial
- Collections
- Legal
- Billing
- Actuarial
- Accounting
- Consulting
- Data aggregation
- Management
- Administrative
- Accreditation
Under HIPAA/HITECH Business Associates can also be held liable for data privacy breach.