Privacy and Security Concerns from your Patients’ perspective

When I visit my Dentist, I’m focused about whether or not I’ll feel any pain, and how long will it take for my mouth to return to normal from the hot, cold and percussion sensitive tooth that was treated?

Ok, I’m an anomaly, it takes forever… but I digress. As a consumer and private person, I am very interested in the privacy and security of any Medical Office I visit. Perhaps even a little paranoid.

Within the sophisticated world of Dentistry: I-Cat’s, Lasers, Scanners and the like, the last thing that the Practice, and more importantly the Patient, needs to be worrying about is the privacy, security and compliance of storing and transmitting his or her medical records!28581377_l

Patient care begins at the point at which I hand over my private protected health information, not when you greet me in the exam room. As a patient, that is what I believe.

As an IT Security Professional I know all too well how quickly the reputation of a Medical Practice can be damaged or ruined if there is a security breach. While you strive to stay up on the latest dental techniques and technology, it can be challenging to differentiate your Practice from the office down the street.

Adding value to the patient experience by confidently professing that your office invests in advanced security technology, employs privacy best policies and procedures, requires continuing security training for staff who are very focused on the patients’ privacy and security, is a great way to create a  differential between you and your competition.

You can add great value to your patients’ experiences by confidently professing that your office:

  • invests in advanced security technology
  • employs privacy best policies and procedures
  • requires continuing security training for staff
  • employ staff who are very focused on the patients’ privacy and security

This value-add is a great way to create a  differential between you and your competition.

So, take 45 seconds and ask yourself these 3 questions:
    1. Can our office do more to make patient privacy and security a serious focus?
    2. Am I willing to do the right thing to protect my patients, practice and future from disaster?
    3. If dedicating the fee for one or two crowns per month would significantly improve the
      security, privacy and compliance of storing and transmitting my patients’ data
      would I make that investment in my patients’ privacy and the longevity of my

If you answered yes to any of these questions, I strongly suggest you pick up the phone right now,
and give us a call. It’s time to make privacy and security a top priority in your practice.

Do it now!  We’re here to help you succeed.

Have you had a Security Risk Assessment in the last 12 months?


Contact Action Datatel for a no obligation consultation today.


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