Are you and your staff being Phished on a regular basis? It’s almost a forgone conclusion that you are,
have or will be Phished.  What’s Phishing?

The number one attack vector or method into your network exposing Protected Health Information is through
Phishing and Spear-Phishing attacks. These attacks can allow the hacker to infiltrate your systems, and install
Advanced Persistent Threat malware (APT). This type of malware can give remote monitoring
access to your systems and can lurk in your computers and network for months undetected all the while leaking MoneyPhishing
valuable patient/client information.

So what should you do?

  1. Establish a security awareness training program, or better yet hire someone to do it for you.
  2. This training company should be able to help you test yourself and your staff’s knowledge by launching actual Phishing attack simulations for the purposes of exposing weakness in the system and improving user knowledge.
  3. Use the feedback generated by the reporting system to actually validate and tune your approach to Security Awareness Training.

Wait, that’s got to be expensive.

  • Not really. And when compared with the costs of recovering from a security breach, it’s peanuts.
  • Less that $100 per year per staff member.
  • You can’t afford not to get into educating your staff about the security and compliance violations.
  • Leveraging the fact that your staff are trained, your systems are security evaluated on a regular basis
    gives you credibility withing the community and positively adds to the patient care experience.


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